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Monday, 09 October 2023 00:23

List of Universities In Lebanon

List of Universities In Lebanon
Lebanese education system could by classified into two major systems. Lebanese education system could by classified into two major systems. Lebanese universities are either run according to the French system (e.g. Université Saint-Joseph) or they have the American system (e.g. AUB, LAU, UOB etc.).
The roots of Lebanese education are very old and the powerful education system and institutions in Lebanon are famous not only regionally but globally.
According to the World Bank, 46.9% of males and 56.3% of females enroll into the higher education in Lebanon.
As for the private enrollment, 53.4% enroll into private institutions of higher education.  
Lebanese University http://www.ul.edu.lb/
American University of Beirut, AUB http://www.aub.edu.lb/
Saint Joseph University, USJ http://www.usj.edu.lb/
Lebanese American University, LAU http://www.lau.edu.lb/
Notre Dame University Louaize, NDU http://www.ndu.edu.lb/
USEK, KASLIK http://www.usek.edu.lb/
University of Balamand http://www.balamand.edu.lb/
ALBA, Sin el Fil – Beirut http://www.whereleb.com/
Haigazian University, HU http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/
Sagesse(la) University,ULS http://www.uls.edu.lb/
Antonin University, UPA http://www.upa.edu.lb/
American University of Technology http://www.aut.edu/
American University of Science & Technology, AUST https://www.aust.edu.lb/
Lebanese International University, LIU http://www.liu.edu.lb/lb/
Arab Open University, AOU http://www.aou.edu.lb/
Beirut Arab University, BAU http://www.bau.edu.lb/
Université Sainte Famille, USF http://www.usf.edu.lb/en/
Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon, AUL http://aul.edu.lb/
Académie des Hautes Etudes Diplomatiques et des Relations Internationales


American International University California University


American Pacific International University http://www.alblebanon.com/business/
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Universities http://www.abtslebanon.org/
Lebanese Canadian university,LCU http://www.lcu.edu.lb/
Beirut Islamic University, Shariah Faculty Universities http://www.biu.edu.lb/
Continuing Education Center, CEC https://www.aub.edu.lb/REP/CEC/
Global University, GU http://www.gu.edu.lb/
Islamic University of Lebanon, IUL http://iul-islamic-university-of-lebanon.lebanonuniversities.tel/
Jinan University, JU Universities http://www.jinan.edu.lb/pages/en/about-jul
Kafaat (al), Institut Universitaire http://www.al-kafaat.org/universityeducation.html
Lebanese German University, LGU http://www.lgu.edu.lb/
Modern University for Business & Science, M.U.B.S.


Manar (al) University of Tripoli, MUT http://www.mut.edu.lb/
Matn University, Haret Hreik, Beirut http://www.muc.edu.lb/
Mediterranean Bible College, MBC http://www.alblebanon.com/business/
Mediterranean Institute of Management & EMA www.whereleb.com
Near East School of Theology http://www.theonest.edu.lb/
Middle East University, MEU http://meu.edu.lb/
Mediterranean University of Beirut, MUB http://www.alblebanon.com/business/

Université de Technologie et de Sciences Appliquées Libano-Française

Published in Study in Lebanon
Thursday, 05 October 2023 08:33


An interesting archaeological relic found throughout Lebanon is the hundreds of well-preserved mosaics from the Roman and Byzantine eras. Countless colorful, tiny stones form intricate images of mythological figures, religious deities, and geometric designs.The mosaic is symbolic of modern-day Lebanon, which is a country characterized by a diversity of cultures, traditions, and religions interwoven through time. It is this unique diversity which fascinates travelers.

Thanks to its location at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa, Lebanon has been shaped by many civilizations throughout history. Its position as a meeting point for diverse peoples is evident in the extraordinary richness of its archaeological sites and historical monuments. From Stone Age settlements to Phoenician city-states, from Roman temples to rock-cut Christian hermitages, from Crusader Castles to Mamluke mosques and Ottoman hammams, the country's historical sites are a true encyclopedia of ancient and modern world history.


Modern Lebanese society is characterized by this same cultural diversity. Most Lebanese people speak Arabic, English, and French. As you walk the streets of downtown Beirut, you will pass domed mosques and steepled churches, reflecting the country's religious and architectural legacies – Sunni, Shiia, and Druze Muslims; Maronite, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christians; and many others. Regionally, each part of the countryside has its own local flavor, with different villages preserving a different culinary, artistic, religious, or cultural traditions.

A visit to any of Lebanon's ancient archaeological ruins, traditional villages, or religious sites will truly give you a taste of the cultural mosaic of this captivating country.

Published in Study in Lebanon
Friday, 17 June 2011 05:35


Lebanon is blessed with a mild Mediterranean climate and four distinct seasons. (June to September) is made for sun worshippers and water enthusiasts, with temperatures along the coast ranging from 20-32°C (68-90°F). Clear skies and little rain are perfect for outdoor cafés and seaside fun. Alternatively, head to the mountains for nice walks and cooler weather, typically 6-22°C (45-70°F).

Summer is the season for sampling mouth-watering cherries and vineyard grapes in the Békaa Valley.(October-November) brings crisp, cool weather to the mountains, 5-20°C (40-68°F), while remaining pleasantly warm on the coast and in the South, 15-28°C (60-85°F). Fall is a good time for apple picking in the North and viewing the harvesting of olives and machinations of olive presses all over the country.

(December to mid-March) is the time for outdoor sports, with six ski resorts catering to skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels, and kilometers of cross-country skiing and snowshoe trails to be explored. Because winter is the rainy season, the mountains get considerable snowfall. Temperatures fall to below 0°C at night and range from -5°C-5°C (25-40°F) during the day. The coast is wet and cool, with temperatures ranging from 10-20°C (50-67°F).
Fall and winter can be the ideal time to visit Lebanon's historical attractions and ruins while avoiding crowds and hot weather. On a fresh, crisp day you might find yourself as the sole visitor amidst the majestic ruins of Sour (Tyre) or Baalbek, feeling almost transported to the ancient days of the Phoenicians or Romans. 

Lebanon warms again in the (April-May). As a result of the winter rain and the melting snow, the scenery comes alive with wildflowers, making spring the prime opportunity for hiking Lebanon's mountain trails and discovering its unique flora and fauna. Temperatures range from 0-15°C (32-60°F) in the mountains to 15-25°C (58-72°F) along the coast.

Published in Study in Lebanon